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Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Beck – Midnite Vultures

Beck is just a little too clever for his own good. If he stuck to writing great American folk tunes with a touch of country, hip hop or electronic then the world would be a much better place. On the evidence of this album however, Beck seriously over-does the side orders and the album as a whole ends up sounding a bit of a mess. There’s too much clever sampling, genre blurring and general old fashioned showing off for this to be anything other than average fair.

It all starts in promising fashion with the jaunty, but at the same time dark, soulfest of ‘Sexx Laws’. The song reminds you why you liked Beck in the first place, whereas the remainder of the album confirms why he also irritates you in equal measure.

‘Mixed Biznes’ is funky but ultimately sounds like the Scissor Sisters, ‘Hollywood Freaks’ is an embarrassing mix of funk and hip hop, and ‘Milk & Honey’ sounds like a progressive rock version of Justin Timberlake. I could continue, but I won’t.

As all great chefs know, too many ingredients makes for cluttered taste sensation. Beck seems to think that less is definitely not more as he proceeds to throw influences and smug trickery into the mix. It’s frustrating because Beck is undoubtedly a talent who can produce odd flashes of genius. Sadly, this is nowhere near his best and save for the opening track would have been a disaster. Listen to the excellent ‘Sexx Laws’ and avoid the rest is the best advice I can offer.


1 comment:

  1. Not really very keen on Beck. Plus when you throw Jack Black into the equation things are always going to end badly.
