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Tuesday, 28 February 2012

22. Heavenly - Atta Girl - (Sarah 82)

The best Sarah release by miles, where the queen of twee Amelia Fletcher came up trumps and produced the classic genre defining single. It's a perfect piece of jangle-pop with a slightly harder edge than their contemporaries; that's not saying much when you're up against the Field Mice, but you can only beat the team you're playing against.

And sadly I have very little else to say about the song and the band; it just does what it says on the tin.

However let's get back to Amelia. She's a legend. She's been in Talulah Gosh and Heavenly, and worked with The Wedding Present, Hefner and the Pooh Sticks. You would have thought she could have retired happily and gone and got a proper job in a second hand/vintage clothes shop or as a Foundation Stage Teacher, but oh no! Like all modern day pop stars, she saw this as job for life and went on and on and on. Until she ended up in the Tender Trap, where even she looks a bit doubtful that it's a good idea. See the video for 'Do you want a Boyfriend' if you have any doubts. Pop stars take note; less is more - see David Bowie/Paul Weller for further proof.

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