Sons and
Daughters make a wholesome Scottish racket, but if anything this is a slightly
more commercial offering than either ‘Repulsion Box’ or ‘Love the Cup’. That’s
not necessarily a negative thing and this is easily their most consistent
album to date. They seem to have lost the dual female vocals that
counterbalanced the Scottish male drawl in a similar way to the B52’s, however
the trademark Scottish aggressive shoutiness is still at the forefront.
This is music
for everyday application. It’s the soundtrack of the kitchen sink drama of
northern life. Whether you’re dropping the kids off, washing up or cutting the
lawn. ‘This Gift’ is the perfect accompaniment to all that boredom. It will
enrich your life and make you feel just a little happier.
All the songs
are essentially winners, as Sons and Daughters have rarely made a duffer, but
worthy of special mention are the howling competition of ‘This Gift’, the
remake of the Banana Splits theme in ‘Rebel with the Ghost’ and the
straightforward chugging of ‘Flags’. My favourite is the opening track ‘Gilt
Complex’ which harks back to the earlier LP’s but adds the steel of stronger
song writing.
A quality,
solid album from the Scottish northcore merchants. Like toilet paper, cereal
bars and marmite, it’s something you shouldn’t have to live without.