Possibly the least instantly accessible of the Songlines compilations I've listened to since subscribing to the magazine, but still a thoroughly enjoyable experience. There's the usual mix of world music goodies; from African Funk to Celtic fiddling and even an appearance by Phillip Glass.
From the main body of the compilation I really liked the June Tabor & Oysterband's contribution, even though I thought it was a male vocalist until now. Dawda Jobarteh chips in with some particularly jangly Gambian Kora playing, but best of all is the slice of Turkish pop perfection provided by Sezen Aksu, which warms the cockles of your heart even in deepest, darkest South Yorkshire in January.
Ravi Shankar proves a slightly disappointing guest selector, but out of some distinctly suspect offerings, he at least pulls it round a little with selections from the legendary Philip Glass and Indian-American composer Karsh Kale.
I would heartily recommend a subscription to Songlines Magazine; not only do you receive the magazine and the compilation CD every month, but there's also some excellent bonus CD's in some of the issues. The Bahia and Scandinavian compilations both proved a big hit on my car stereo. Here's the link if you're interested; http://www.magazine.co.uk/magazines/songlines-magazine/
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